It's ok not to be ok

It’s OK not to be OK
Awareness is the first step to healing

How often do we navigate life pretending that everything is OK and cool? When it is all the opposite, we become so numb that it’s hard to acknowledge.

Rana Nawas is a keynote speaker, strategic advisor, and the creator and host of a very successful and popular podcast in the Middle East – When Women Win. 

She also used to be the President of Ellevate Dubai

Rana is a cancer survivor, happily married for many years, and mother of two children, currently living in Dubai.

As you can see, Rana is many things, but above all, she is a confident woman that empowers other women. A true role model for me. A 40-year-old accomplished badass

In 2019 I worked again with the lovely Rana Nawas for a women’s event in Dubai. During that event, she had a speech where she said something that struck me. She said, It’s OK not to be OK. It hit me like a rock.

Not that I didn’t know this, but I was never truly aware of it. And it had such an impact on me because, at that time, my life was getting out of a three years turmoil. More precisely, I was getting out of an agitated period of years of therapy, struggle, and pain due to financial loss and failed relationships that negatively impacted my social and personal life. 

When she said, It’s OK not to be OK, I felt like the whole world stopped around me. 

And it made me feel awake and … alive. Then I truly realized that not being OK for a long time is totally … OK. But more than that, I finally felt free to say it aloud and feel good about myself … again—such a blessed relief. 

And when you think about it, a very simple statement can move mountains, right?

I recommend the following steps for those dark times when you are not OK. And by the way, it’s OK … we have all been there for a shorter or a longer while:

  1. Awareness. Don’t be afraid to understand your situation, even if it’s not a pretty place at the moment. But you should know where you are so you can take action. 
  2. Assess the “damages” and look for solutions. Also, asking for help is nothing to be ashamed of. The strongest people were down at least once in their lifetime. 
  3. Makea plan. Write down what is working and what is not—plan on how you can improve and move further with more consistency and faith. 
  4. Take action. Having a plan is great, but if you don’t take action sooner rather than later, a plan will be just … a plan. And you wanna see results, right?
  5. Give yourself some time. The most common mistake here is to put mountains of pressure on our shoulders. Be kind to yourself. Getting out of the storm takes time, patience, and hard work. 
  6. Keep going. Never ever stop because there is a lot of bright light at the end of that tunnel. I promise you!



If you feel like you don’t have enough inner strength to heal yourself or your friends and family can’t help anymore, looking for a therapist or coach might be the best choice.

A therapist/coach will support and guide you during your darkest times and will help you find ways to conquer your fears and find solutions to the difficulties you are going through.

Whether it is about your love life, spirituality, career, family, friends, financials, etc.

If you are going through life challenges, let me know. I would love to help you. 

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